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MENA and CIS Buy Now Pay Later Platform : Rise of BNPL Fintech in Emerging

Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) has rapidly gained popularity among consumers across emerging s like the Middle East, North Africa, and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) regions over the past few years. The attractiveness of interest-free installment plans for purchases has resonated well with customers in these s. According to a recent report, BNPL transaction volumes in the MENA region grew by 130% in 2021 alone.

BNPL Provides Access to Credit for Underbanked Populations

A key driver for BNPL adoption has been the large underbanked populations across MENA and CIS countries. Traditional credit products like credit cards have low penetration due to socioeconomic and religious factors. BNPL platforms help bridge this credit gap by providing alternative payment options to consumers. They perform real-time affordability checks based on bank account details and approve micro-loans instantly for online and in-store purchases. This helps boost financial inclusion. For example, almost 80% of BNPL users in Egypt and Pakistan report using it as their first credit product ever.

Local BNPL Startups Emerge as Popular Options

Seeing the opportunity, several local MENA and CIS Buy Now Pay Later Platform startups have emerged as popular alternatives to global players. In Middle Eastern s, BNPL providers like Cashew based out of Dubai and Tamara in Egypt have become household names. Similarly, in CIS countries, players like Cryofinance and Perekrestok BNPL are gaining rapid traction. These regional startups understand local consumer behavior and cultural nuances better. They also tend to offer more flexible repayment plans than global competitors to suit varying cashflow patterns in emerging economies. Localization has been a key factor driving their success over western BNPL providers.

Partnerships with Domestic Retailers Foster Growth

MENA and CIS Buy Now Pay Later Platform have fueled their expansion by partnering with popular domestic retailers across sectors. For instance, Turkish BNPL pioneer Morhipo partners with over 10,000 merchants in the country including top fast fashion brands and supers. Similarly, Egyptian BNPL pioneer Tamara has integrated with the country's largest online place Jumia and superchains Metro and Carrefour. These strategic integrations help drive significant volumes from everyday spend categories. They also help merchants boost sales and average order values by making purchases more affordable to price-sensitive customers through interest-free financing.Win-win partnerships between BNPLs and local retailers have been instrumental in supercharging the former's growth trajectories.

Regulatory Support Accelerates Adoption Further

Complementing private sector initiatives, supportive regulations from central banks and ministries in some MENA and CIS countries have further propelled the BNPL wave. For example, Egypt's central bank CBE issued specific guidelines recognizing BNPL as a distinct lending category last year. This gave regulatory clarity to providers and boosted customer confidence. Similarly, Kazakhstan introduced legislative amendments exempting BNPL loans from interest rate caps. Accommodative regulations have helped address perceptions around legality and risk, encouraging more consumers to comfortably embrace BNPL options for their spending needs. Clear guidelines also attract more fintech investment and foster healthy competition in these nascent yet high-potential BNPL arenas.

Challenges around Credit Risk and Financial Education

However, the breakneck growth has introduced some growing pains as well. With low-income segments comprising a major user base, credit risk and over-indebtedness remain concerns if not managed prudently. Lack of financial literacy in some emerging s also mean many users do not fully understand BNPL terms and conditions. There have been instances of late and missed payments stressing provider balance sheets, necessitating robust underwriting capabilities.

Additionally, traditionalist views around debt and interest in conservative nations pose cultural challenges for BNPL firms. Educating users about interest-free credit nature becomes imperative to address social stigma around 'debt'. Providers also need to invest in advanced technologies like alternative data and AI-driven scores to precisely assess risk profiles lacking formal credit histories. Close monitoring of exposure limits and repayment behaviors would be required to maintain financial sustainability amid aggressive scaling up. Addressing responsible lending practices early on also helps pre-empt stricter policies down the line from regulators.

Overall, MENA and CIS Buy Now Pay Later Platform is poised to drastically transform the mass consumer financing landscape across MENA and CIS over the next decade. Global BNPL heavyweights have also started prioritizing these high-potential emerging s through local partnerships and investments.

As consumers across socioeconomic profiles gradually embrace BNPL for its flexibility and affordability compared to conventional loans, more categories beyond retailers are expected to get incorporated. Travel, healthcare, utilities are some sectors eyeing 'Buy Now Pay Later' models. If credit risk challenges are addressed properly, BNPL has the potential to revolutionize financial access for billions of underserved populations across Middle East, Africa and Central Asia.


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